Monday 22 October, 2007

Horrifying Locals...

An experience to remember indeed! Getting into (and out of) a local train in the peak hours in the busy city on Mumbai can truly be a nerve wrecking affair...
Today, i dared to try and do what millions of commuters here do day in and day out.. From Dadar to Andheri at 6 pm on a Monday.. Getting a ticket wasn't a difficult job.. And so i thought that it would be as easy as that to get on board.. Reaching the platform i saw almost noone there and wondered what the fuss everone made was all about.. Then came the announcement, "Fast train to Borivali arriving at platform number 3......." And out of nowhere there appeared people, people and more people! I was stunned at the speed at which all of them turned up... Then came the ultimate task.. Getting on the train.. Before people could get off, there was this pushing, pulling, yelling, screaming..... And i decided to takethe next train.. A similar thing happened when the next train came.. This is when i realised that it wasn't my piece of cake!
Ultimately i managed to board a slow train at around 7 pm when the crowds had reduced a bit..
God bless all those who endure this challenge every day!

1 comment:

:| said...

"Before people could get off, there was this pushing, pulling, yelling, screaming."

I know exactly what you're talking about! Sheesh!